Zitta Smith

About Zitta

I lived in the Netherlands until I finished my history studies, then married and moved to London. During the years I worked for a Political Trust in Westminster, I developed a passion for beaded jewellery. It was an International Bead History Conference in Istanbul that enthused me to learn more weaving techniques that existed worldwide and began to travel to the USA for masterclasses and meet up with other bead artists.

My Work

My only tools for the bead weaving techniques I use are a needle and thread, glass beads and infinite patience. My trademark are beaded beads in vibrant colours. In the 1990’s a Japanese company began to make cylindrical beads that were so precise in size that it became possible to create geometrical shapes. Their advantage is that they come in more than 500 colours and in different sizes and finishes.

Glass beads by their nature reflect. Choosing the beads for a project requires sensitive colour choices and combinations. When I start a project, I need to plan the effect the light has on different colours next to each other. I often use dark next to light, because one gives a better reflection to the other.

I have given workshops in France and the UK and have sold my work in Europe, the USA and the UK.


  • EFOA Open House events since 2016
  • “Breaking Boundaries” EFO show Crouch End Library 2016
  • “Reflections” EFO show Ply Gallery 2017
  • Hampstead Garden Suburb Art Fair 2018
  • East Finchley Open Artists Winter Fair 2018
  • “Primavera” EFO show Barbican Library 2019

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20180406_114323     Necklace

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